1.) Teach them to eat healthy!
Teaching your children the importance of eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet early in life can set the foundation for a healthier future. Did you know that people should be getting three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day?
2.) Make sure they’re getting regular check-ups and eye exams.
According to allaboutvision.com, 25% of school-aged children have vision problems. Identifying the issue early is important because treatment is often more effective with an early diagnosis. According to the American Optometric Association, children should be getting an eye exam every two years if no vision correction is required. They also recommend that children get their first eye exam at six months of age. many people skip out on eye exams if there are no readily apparent problems because few people actually have vision insurance. Proper vision is crucial to learning.
3.) Always make sure they are in a proper car seat.
According to Traffic Safety Administration it is important to make sure your child has the right kind of car seat for his/her age and that it is installed correctly. It’s also important to register your car seat and to make sure you sign up to receive email alerts and car sear recalls from NHTSA. You can sign up here. For other tips on car seat safety visit safercar.gov.
4.) Make sure your entire family is properly insured.
Everyone knows the importance of health insurance and car insurance, but many people don’t think about the importance of life insurance and disability insurance. No one ever likes to think about not being able to be there to take care of their children, but it’s always best to prepare for the unexpected. Life insurance can help cover expenses like college tuition, mortgages, living expenses, daycare, food, clothing, income replacement for the surviving spouse, funeral costs, and even extracurricular activities like dance lessons or summer camp. Disability insurance can help to replace your income in the event that you become injured or too sick to work for a period of time. Explore your life and disability options with a licensed agent at Michigan Term by calling (888) 242-9644 or emailing us at info@michiganterm.com. Alternately, you can run your own free term quote here.
5.) Make sure they’re bundled up in the winter.
Children are at greater risk of frostbite than adults because they lose heat from their skin more rapidly, according to kidshealth.org. Always make sure your children are wearing proper attire when they are outside in the winter, and check them frequently to make sure that their clothing is not wet.
6.) Always make sure they wear a helmet when on a bike or on any other sort of scooter, skateboard, or motorized toy vehicle.
Wearing a helmet can help protect children from brain injuries in the event of a crash. Many children are opposed to wearing helmets because they think they look “uncool” or that they’re uncomfortable. Let your child pick out a helmet that they like, and make sure you are consistent with making them wear a helmet every time. Reward them for being responsible and always wearing it.
7.) Monitor their media consumption.
With the internet, video games, iPods, smart phones, tablets, TV, and movies, it’s hard to keep up with exactly what our kids are being exposed to. It’s important to monitor their access to these things to make sure they are not being exposed to violence or sexually explicit material at a young age. It’s also important to make sure our children are informed about the dangers of meeting people over the internet.